Xero 2022
Annual Report

Corporate Communication /
Art Direction / Graphic Design

Xero's global theme in 2022 was 'fresh perspective'. We were tasked with ideating a concept for the annual report using 'fresh perspective' as a creative lens. We came up with the idea of 'openness' to help communicate deeper information to the market in order to represent the full value of Xero. Working with paper illustrators, we created vibrant visual metaphors to communicate 'openness' and 'fresh perspective'. My role included initial concepting, leading the design and layout and working with the art director, photographer, intermediate designer and paper artists.

This project won a Bronze in 'Business Communication' category in the 2023 NZ Best Design AwardsSee project at NZ Best Design Awards here.

2022 Xero Annual Report Cover
Product illustration showing hands and an exploded ipad and Xero interface
Illustration showing a person holding a book with graphs and numbers floating above it
Customer Illustration showing a sushi train with little apps being trained along on display and someone taking an app with chopsticks
Layout and design of Xero 2022 Annual Report
A behind the scenes image showing how the paper illustrations came to life

Made while at XeroCreative director: Pete Montgomery
Senior designer: Sandi MacKecknie (me!)
Art director: Sandi MacKecknie (me!) and Sloane Dougherty
Designer: Bronte Messam
Paper Engineer: Magda Ksiezak and Benja Harney
Designer: Hannah Boekhorst
Photographer: Nic Song
Lead Producer: Debbie Hehenkamp
Producer: Emma Grey
Photography Producer: Lauren Billingham